Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Oak quotes

In the same vein as The Sapling, I found a few quotes regarding acorns and oaks:
"The dream in your heart may be bigger than the environment in which you find yourself. Sometimes you have to get out of that environment to see that dream fulfilled. It’s like planting an oak sapling in a pot. Once it becomes rootbound, its growth is limited. It needs a great space to become a mighty oak. So do you." - Darren Hardy, "The Compound Effect"

"The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

"In creating, the only hard thing is to begin: a grass blade's no easier to make than an oak."- James Russell Lowell

"You cannot plant an acorn in the morning, and expect that afternoon to sit in the shade of an oak." - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

"The diligent farmer plants trees, of which he himself will never see the fruit." - Marcus Tullius Cicero, "Tusculanarum Disputationum"
Something to think about when I plant acorns this fall and seedlings in the spring.

I have a supply of white oak from the boys, pin oak from the neighbor next to the homestead and red oak from up the street. My previous white oak source was taken down this past year to expand a parking lot - yes, a parking lot.

Some call it progress...

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