Thursday, November 4, 2021

Out of Character

(Know your audience. Make it interesting and fun. – Advice from people who give speeches.)

What if your audience is pre-K to 7-year-olds along with mothers holding toddlers in their arms?

Our local library has story-time each week for a group of kids and their parents. The regulars are home-schooling families and I was asked to give a talk about things I grow on the farm, mainly popcorn.

“I’m a little out of character with kids.” I admitted to the mothers. A rule in giving speeches is to show confidence but I was going to set that expectation bar low.

Kids filed into the room dressed in Halloween costumes of yellow and green monsters, a purple dragon, a Pikachu, and the little 3-year-old girl as a bumble bee. Bumble Bee looked to me offering a big innocent grin that would melt a hardened steel heart.

“Who likes popcorn?” – Cheers!

“A kernel is planted into the ground, grows into a stalk, then produces ears of corn like these.” I showed several ears of Ladyfinger popcorn.

Pikachu pointed out the difference compared to field corn.

This was going to be a tough crowd,” I’m thinking in Rodney Dangerfield voice.

To make this educational, I brought another variety of popcorn and remarked how corn was different just like how kids have different hair, eyes, etc.

“Sometimes nature produces something unexpected like this…” I showed an ear that split into two. – Laughter! It has legs!

I handed out popcorn ears so they could try shelling it from the cob. This delighted the boys as kernels shot across the room. – Chaos!

I’m losing my audience?” --- “Not yet!”

Pikachu explained that water inside of the kernel expands and that’s how it pops.

Hey, this is my show, kid!” I thought in Bob Hope’s voice.

I popped some corn which was devoured by the group, especially Purple Dragon and Bumble Bee.

Questions from mothers and kids were answered and I gave out bags of popcorn to enjoy at home.

One mother asked if I wanted something for payment.

“Smiles from little bumble bees was enough,” I heard my voice say.

“I actually said that?”

“Yep. A little out of character, indeed...”


 Linked to Poets and Storytellers United: Friday Writings #1: I Write with My Food

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Tuesday Triumph - October, 2021

 She finally decided to stop by for a visit with her young one.

A little grainy pic in the twilight at evening time but that's her.

We're glad she's doing well since her first visit two and a half years ago.