Friday, July 24, 2020

Sunday, July 19, 2020

The Subcommittee

Excerpt of a meeting some months back of the Nomination Subcommittee of the Public Relations Committee at The Stranded Tree Farm:

The Representative of Hardwoods cleared his throat, “This last nominee is for a hard maple for a group. Rule 7 does not specifically prevent trees to represent groups but this is our first.”

Fruitbearers Representative said, “Why can’t you plant a tree for each of the members? The membership of the group can change over time. Is that right?”

“There’s no formal membership. It’s more of a community,” I replied. “It was only recently that I added my words.”

“A group that would welcome you as a member… Well, I’d have to wonder about them,” the powerful Nutbearer Representative laughed.

“That’s why I’ve nominated them. They’re inclusive of anyone, regardless of age, experience.  I don’t think they discriminate anyone. Well, almost anyone. There are rules,” I paused, “They welcomed me, yes.”

“Why not plant a tree for each of them?” the Fruitbearer Rep repeated, “You have plenty of trees.”

“I don’t want to single anyone out since there are many good members of the community.”

The Soil and Water Representative was stoic, “I’m not convinced. I think this should be tabled for a while longer. That group may kick you out and then there’s a tree that reminds us of that failure.”

The Hardwoods Rep agreed, “That makes sense. We should give this more time.” The other members of the committee nodded.

I placed an open bag on the table for the committee members. Their tone quickly changed as each looked inside.

“All those in favor of the nomination of the planting of a hard maple tree for Poets and Storytellers United, say aye,” the Hardwoods Rep made the motion.

All members replied, “Aye.”

“Motion carried. Congratulations. Meeting adjourned.”

I think this is how things work in Congress.

Legacy Trees are planted for our friends and are reminders each time we look upon the trees and take note of their growth. In this case, Wee Sprout is growing faster than the other hard maples that we transplanted this year. I’m hoping growth above ground equals to growth below ground.

Cheers to all!

Wee Sprout - July 2020
Edit: I neglected to add a link to the original dedication - Tree of Words where Wee Sprout is introduced to the community,

Posted to Poets and Storytellers United: Writers’ Pantry #29: Never Lose that Sense of Hope

Monday, July 6, 2020

Monday Moms, first mom of July

This little fawn is just one in its family. We have another set of twins this year but no good pictures to share.