Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Tuesday Triumph - Spring 2020 arrival

Our three-legged deer decided to return for her first visit this year. It's been nearly three months and, once again, we feared that she met her demise. She survived deer season to give us another visit and she did not disappoint. Standing here with a companion at nearby, she gives a profile of her wounded leg that looks well.

Find more pictures of Triumph on earlier postings.

We hope to see more of her this year.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

The blackbirds returned

My brothers have returned home this week
the blackbird with the red wing.
To give notice that our spring arrived
while singing songs from past memories.

I ignore the Vernal equinox
that's not truly true spring around here.
It is the day of the red-winged arrival
to summer fields they now call home.

From a previous year.
We look each year for the red-winged blackbird arrival as the mark of spring. This year, on March 2nd, we saw the first birds on our morning commute along the roadways perched on the fences and old weeds in the ditch. It doesn't mean that we won't see significant snow yet this season but planting time is near.

Memories of listening to the call of the red-winged blackbird filled each summer that we spent at my maternal grandparent's farm. The humid and hot July and August days were filled with the cocaphony of the males calling while perched like pictured above.

Here is an example of their call (unfortunately, I don't have a video available of my own):

Linked at Poets and Storytellers United: Writers' Pantry #10: March is a month of considerable contemplation