Wednesday, September 23, 2020


Tailgating at the farm:

This is just part of the popcorn harvest that we picked a little early. We found that with the stalks laying over, along with the rains, we were at risk of mold. We separated the bad ears of corn and kept the best to be bagged in onion sacks to hang for ventilation. This will take about two to three weeks to dry. After that, we get the fun of shelling each kernel from the cob.

The local farmer's markets have been closed all summer but this is a crop we can store for next year and we have a few customers that take deliveries. 

This variety is called Ladyfinger, is mostly hull-less and nearly every kernel pops. They are small kernels and the flavor makes it our favorite, although another variety works well for caramel corn. We've had to ration our last crop and are down to less than a cup remaining.

Despite the weather issues, this has been the best popcorn we've produced and we're getting the ground ready for next year. 

With any luck, we'll produce an even better crop.