Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Tailgating, 2021

Fall is the time of year for football and tailgating at the games. 

Here at the farm, we have a tailgating tradition: The harvest is put on the tailgate of the truck - 

Just some of the ears of corn


This corn started from a few kernels of popcorn that were darker than the rest. These ears came from a harvest several years ago and I've replanted a couple of times. 

Now we have a vast array of colors - from reds to blacks, traditional yellow to pink and few speckled kernels in between.

An August storm knocked down some of the corn (same as last year) and I had to harvest earlier than planned. We will sell a few ears at the farmer's market and the rest will be planted next year for another mystery crop of colorful corn.

Last year, a few ears from the ladyfinger popcorn had shades of red. I may have a new natural hybrid to work with.🤔


  1. How exciting, Joel! This is definitely a tailgating party I would delight in. I bet they taste delicious, too.

    1. The colors are so vibrant that part of me wants to keep them on the ear. Another part wants to try the taste and lastly, I want to plant the seeds next year to get a more colorful fall. That's my dilemma.
      Thanks for stopping by, Magaly

  2. Beautiful! I start celebrating fall and Halloween on September first, because they're my favorites and life's too short. This made my day!

    1. This crop surprised me and I'm glad that I shared it for you.
      My favorite was the speckled pink kernels until I shucked the red/black - now I can't decide.
