Thursday, September 12, 2019

Take a break

I wear protection to try to save as much of my hearing that I have left. Mowing, running the tractor, or operating power tools like a saw, I wear something to soften the sound. On this day, I hung the earmuffs on the post by the gate.

I don't know why it struck me when I noticed this but I took a quick pic.

Taken on a sunny but cold day in February. A post that is wired tightly to a second post and braced to hang the gate. The one post is hollowed out top but not occupied by any birds.

Just a couple of lonely posts with a little bit of moss growing and my blue earmuffs giving it some more color. A blue sky with just a wisp of clouds, the neighbor's farm on the crest of the hill a mile or so away.

I see some interesting things when I take a brief pause to give a chance to look at the acreage. Sometimes taking the earmuffs off, I can hear the beauty of the land as well

So, I guess this reminds myself to take a break, look around and listen, deeply listen to the land.

There might be something that can be easily missed.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, Jason.
      I've been thinking of breathing deeply as in filling your lungs with air. So is the same with deeply listening. You fill your ears with sounds.
      Or.... I'm just nuts ;)

      Thanks again!
