Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Weekend damage update

Weather has obviously hindered any work on the pond deck, or rather the cleanup of the debris from the pond. On Sunday, with the water nearly topping the dam, I was able to drag some of it out. Using a pole saw to reach out to cut the deck into manageable pieces and looping a rope around a couple of the poles to mostly drag them out as well. Some of it still remains floating

Some debris remains and it concerns me but time, weather...

For instance, Monday I had to be elsewhere during the morning, like at the homestead when the power went out. Someone needed to be on sump pump duty.

And it was raining anyway.

Monday evening, I stood on the dam looking east with the wind at my back. The damage behind me could not be ignored. The storms of the past week (some of which not weather related) reminding me of the power of our actions and, in some cases, inaction. The storms affected more than a few.

If I had taken better precautions and braced for storms...

If I had paid attention to predict what could have happened...

Still looking east, a few hundred yards down the hill, the Mrs.was weeding around the buckeye tree, our legacy tree for Buck. She didn't notice the doe that bounded out behind the cedar trees and headed south. I couldn't tell if this was Triumph, but I hoped it was.

The damage can be repaired but unfortunately it will take time.


  1. Wishing you the best of luck in the repair and cleanup efforts.

    1. Unfortunately, it will not be replaced. Truth being that there's quite a bit that will never be the same.
