Monday, May 17, 2021

Apple blossoms

Winter was hard for our fruit production, especially for the blackberries that were decimated by the rabbit population. Snow drifts allowed access over the fencing and the rabbits feasted on the blackberries as well as the apple trees.

We may get a handful of blackberries this year but, for the most part, it will be a lost year.

For the apples, we found a source for the Ambrosia variety at a decent price and we added them as well as a couple of Fuji to the grove.

As we are working towards a more balanced pH for the fruit production, we're encountering more of these than in years past:

Apple blossoms

 This means we may be able to have some apples for ourselves instead of the raccoons taking them all (maybe.)


  1. Wishing you an apple filled Summer ~ and lots of pie!

    1. Thank you, Helen. At this point, I'd settle for a single apple before the raccoons get them!
