Friday, May 22, 2020

Friday is buck day, taking it in stride

From a week ago, this buck dashed across one of the trail cameras. His antlers need a chance to grow back and if given a chance, he will feed well on the recently planted corn (provided the electric fence fails.)  After 5 days of cloudy skies, the batteries on the fencer are running low, so that's a possibility.

He could be running from or to something. The pictures taken before and after give no clues but he was in a hurry to get where he was going.


  1. The deer (we have many) have consumed all the delicious flowers in my neighborhood and moved on to greener pastures. I miss them and their magic.

    1. Yes, Helen. Deer are beautiful creatures but they are destructive as well. Rutting season takes it's toll on many of our trees.
      On the plus side, we've taken some outstanding pictures with the trail cameras.
      Thanks for stopping by.

  2. It's lovely to imagine the deer's day, his future plans... I bet you get all sorts of lovely (and mysterious) images of your fellow creatures--lucky, lucky, lucky!

    1. I share the most interesting pictures. Some are just the passing wind but once in a while we hit gold. Thanks for stopping by, Magaly.
