Thursday, June 20, 2019

Open Letter - to my friend

I lost a friend recently. Not because of a death but because of words.

Our friendship started through words a dozen years ago and through words our friendship grew. Words of mutual encouragement when either of us were down. Sharing words through our work at first but later sharing our backgrounds and of our lives and families. Our work took us in different directions a while ago and we connected again. We exchanged words once more of encouragement, of mutual admiration, of our families.

Then our friendship was lost through words.

Words that were said between us and with other third-parties. As important as what was said, the friendship died because of words that weren't said and should have been said. For that, I blame myself.

I carry the burden of the pain I caused as it will weigh upon me for the rest of my life. In the afterlife, I suppose, I will carry it as a link in the chain that will hang around my neck, like Jacob Marley's ghost.

I will not exacerbate the situation by posting their name for it to appear in a Google search. This is my confession to the world of my actions or rather inactions and there is no reason to share the blame. Each day I lose hope that we may speak again, to share words that were once a grateful communication between us.

I would like to think that someday we may be able to share and communicate once again, when I can ask that I might be forgiven for what I did and didn't do. Forgiven for what I said and wrote and for what I didn't say or should have written. The opportunity to speak is most likely over and we've accepted that.

If they would read this post, they could know that I've always wanted the best the world could offer to them. Health, prosperity and success are but a few of the things I hope they find. I hope for the restoration in their life, even if it means I never hear from them again. We may never know.

The gates of the Stranded Tree Farm will always be open to our friends, both near and far. Even friends we thought were lost forever are welcome. If friends reach out, we will not turn them away.

If our time is over, I understand. I wish them Godspeed and, regretfully, Farewell...


  1. You're a good person. I hope the best for you and your lost friend.

  2. Jason, thank you for the kind words but if I was a such a good person, I wouldn't have lost a friend.
