Monday, June 29, 2015


The yellow blooms from spring have yielded a modest number of berries from plants we started last year. While our information states they should ripen in early to mid June, they still aren't ready. This reinforces my opinion that we are at least 3 weeks behind in our weather pattern here in Iowa this year.

The fruit has a taste similar to blueberries but the plants are much easier to maintain. Our initial blueberries have not produced the past two years and it's more than likely because the soil isn't balanced for them despite my meager efforts.

Loaded with anti-oxidents and other good-for-you nutritional value, we took a chance on 4 plants from Stark Brothers last year. If these start producing (and we can keep the deer and rabbits out of them) we may expand our honeyberries in our little corner of the acreage. 

For more information, see: HoneyberryUSA and at their blog.

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